Open International World Cup Contest
DATE March 7th 2025 (Reserve day March 9th 2025)
PLACE Frozen Lake at Finland, Säkyläntie 275, 27800 Säkylä, FINLAND (for GPS)
TIME KEEPING No official timekeepers.
CONTEST RULES FAI Sporting Code, except for time keeping, group flyoffs and we might change the maxtime depending on the weather.
INTERNATIONAL JURY Jury is announced before start of the contest.
ENTRY FEE € 35, € 45 for 2 or more classes. € 15 for juniors. Entry fee is paid at registration.
CONTACTS If you intend to participate please sign up here! If you have questions send an e-mail to
Per Findahl
Tel. +46 223 22957
Robert Hellgren
Kung Eriks Väg 2
654 66 Karlstad
Tel. +46 733 39 46 30
C. DIRECTOR Per Findahl
Moose Cup and BearCup competition will be flown on frozen lake. Contest flield is natural ice and because of that organizers will not take responsibility of competitors/ paticipans safety on the ice. This notice is also covering competitors propertys and other devices.We will do our best to secure competitors/ paticipans safety during the event. Any violation of organizers safety instructions may cause disqualification from hole event.
Best Regards : Per Findahl, Robert Hellgren, Kim Henriksson and MooseCup/BearCup organizing team.